[Note to My Friends and Blog Readers : If you'd like to read more updates
LATE NIGHT UPDATE- from a very nice, spacious, comfortable visitors' Lounge at Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte. Charlotte is a huge city, and "PH" seems like another city within the city. After the test results today, they decided to transfer my Dad here to Charlotte, they made the decision pretty quickly, and within 90 minutes or so, Dad & Mom were in an ambulance heading down the highway to their new destination.
I stayed behind, went home, blew & raked leaves in the front yard, then went to the "Y" and took a shower, changed clothes. Then at 7:30 pm, I took a train down to Charlotte, then a bus to the hospital. The train was a quick 48-min. ride, but the bus included a trip to the main station, and a transfer, and seemed to take another 30-45 minutes to go the three miles or so to the hospital.
I met a nice man (James) at the depot, and we chatted while waiting a few extra minutes as the train was delayed. He was a war veteran, and told me a few stories of his experiences overseas. We also found out that he had bought clothes from my Dad, who was a men's retail clothing manager for 35 years. I also met a kind and friendly young lady (Sarah) on the train, who stopped in a fast-moving line of exiting passengers to let me out into the aisle. As we moved from the train to the terminal, she shared that she was a political aide from Washington, D.C., and she had a job interview in Charlotte tomorrow {actually now today}. Both of my new acquaintances promised to check out my website, and write me a personal note.
I didn't arrive until around 9:30 pm, and was pretty tired. Like I said, it's a big hospital with several buildings, and each building has multiple units and wings. I took a few wrong turns along the way, but found their room and my dad was fast asleep, with an oxygen mask supplying him air, and Mom sitting by his side, relaxing. She has been by his side for six days & five nights now, (sounds like a "vacation", doesn't it?)

Mom provided me a turkey sandwich, and I went back down five floors to the Cafeteria and picked up a soda, bottled water, pineapple, and a newspaper. Had a mini-meal, chatted with mom awhile, and then decided to find this lounge and get online, maybe watch a bit of TV before calling it a night. So, with Jimmy Fallon as the background, I'm updating you all on my Dad and new twists to the surreal experience of this past week.
While it wasn't sure whenever they left to come here, Dad had the procedure to drain fluid from his heart sooner than expected, and was resting comfortably when I arrived tonight. This came as a pleasant surprise, because this morning before they left, he had been miserable, finding it difficult to breathe, and not being comfortable or rested. The nurses came constantly, moving his bed up and down, giving him various IV's and meds to help him relax, but none of it worked too well. It is obvious now that the fluid in his chest was the culprit, and having it drained has caused a great difference in his ability to "chill out." He looked so much more relaxed and rested, sleeping comfortably in his bed.
It's now after midnight, and getting close to bedtime. Another update will come tomorrow, thanks for following my Dad's progress or experience through my posts each day, and also for your prayers for his recovery and health. We still have hopes that he will fully recover, and be well again. But it may be a long road, and nothing is really set in stone yet. But we wish to surrender it all to God, and trust in his goodness and love.
Thanks Again for all of your Prayers